Make and Track Moments

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Buy a Calendar and Some Stickers

Buy a cheap monthly planner and a pack of smiley face stickers. Each week try to do something nice for another person, and stick a smiley face on each date to track it. Monday’s are great days to put your thoughts into action. 

Some weeks you might fail, and some weeks you may do more than one nice thing per week. Even the smallest of gestures count. This effort will make you more observant of the people around you. The calendar and dots are the markers that will remind you to go forth and do nice things.

I challenge you to commit to making and marking one moment per week for 50 weeks. It IS doable. Try it and let me know how it works for you.

Once you commit to living a LIFESTYLE of focusing on others, your creativity and energy kicks in to help you actively pursue the challenge.

You become like a thermostat and change the environment!